Updated as of March 1, 2016

Adrian Ordorica

Interactive resume


I'm a first-year graduate student at the University of Arkansas

About me

I enjoy mathematics and find programming to be a great outlet for mathematical applications. Cryptography has been a huge interest, the work always feels like a puzzle and I love figuring out puzzles. I like to find flaws in video games and play them, mostly just play them. Very musically talented, I play several instruments and taught myself most of them growing up.

Adrian Ordorica


Adrian Ordorica
22 years
Fayetteville, AR, USA, Earth


“That’s life, you know, we never end up where you thought you wanted to be.”
--Marshall Eriksen


University of Arkansas

Aug 2015 ~ May 2017

GPA: 4.00

Candidate for Master of Science degree in Computer Science General coursework focused on security with a research focus on IPv6 security. Courses are designed to learn from recent research papers and uphold demanding higher-education standards. Self-motivation and inspiration provides multiple opportunities to learn new fields, techniques, languages, and programs. Fayetteville, AR

University of Arkansas

Aug 2011 - May 2015

GPA: 3.17

Candidate for Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (Minor: Mathematics) The curriculum was taught heavily based on C, C++, and Java-based programming. Other languages I learned throughout my course-work were PHP, Javascript, SQL, HTML, and Computer Networking. I have learned that understanding the basic fundamentals of a language makes learning new languages quick and easy. Fayetteville, AR

Work Experience

U of A CSCE Department

Jan 2016 - Current

Part time - Research Assistant NSF grant entitled Training Arkansas Computing Teachers (TACT) is an effort to train approximately 50 high school teachers to teach computer science in Arkansas high schools. Our goal is to thoroughly prepare materials with a hands-on curriculum to get these teachers prepared for the certification exam. I assist in the instruction and creation of the curriculum. Fayetteville, AR | http://tact.uark.edu/

U of A CSCE Department

Aug 2015 - Dec 2015

Part time - Graduate Assistantship Contributed to the CSCE department by engaging with the database management course through evaluating student coursework and consulting with professors with student progress while maintaining weekly office hours to discuss with students the material presented in class or other relative interests. Fayetteville, AR | http://csce.uark.edu/

U of A Bogle Academic Center

Aug 2014 - Jan 2016

Part time - Academic Tutor Tutor subjects within mathematics, computer science, computer engineering, and information system courses. Being able to relate and explain material in a variety of visual, audible, procedure, and assurance of student abilities and work. Fayetteville, AR | http://www.arkansasrazorbacks.com/page/academics-tutoring

U of A CSCE Department

Aug 2014 - May 2015

Part time - Operating Systems / Computer Networks Grader Graded and facilitated discussions with fifty students to seventy students. In operating systems, students are creating a shell in C code. Computer networks gave students introductory knowledge and experience with simple networking assignments. I provided feedback and progress documentation on all course work. Fayetteville, AR | http://csce.uark.edu/

The Handle Bar

June 2015 - Sept 2015

Part time - IT and Salesman Manage the website, webstore, and electronic equipment in a local bicycle shop. This was a temporary summer job that gave me the opportunity to learn about bicycles and provide my expertise to the local community. Fayetteville, AR | http://www.arkansasrazorbacks.com/page/academics-tutoring

FedEx World Tech Center

June 2014 - Aug 2014

Programmer Analyst Intern Worked with a team of interns presented and demonstrated project to senior executives and directors and won the Director's Choice, Customer Focus Award, and People's Choice Award. Participated in an agile project utilizing scrum that incorporated cross platform mobile software to send push notifications from Azure cloud for iOS, Android, and WinPhone for the thousands of global FedEx support personnel integrated with existing FedEx automated devices that account for 50% of shipping volume on peak days. Collierville, TN | http://www.fedex.com/us/

U of A Housing

April 2012 - May 2014

Director of Advertising and Public Relations Advise and advertise for many programs and organizations through Residents’ Interhall Congress and communication to students with media. Fayetteville, AR | http://ric.uark.edu/

U of A Student Affairs

May 2013 - Dec 2013

Friday Night Live Student Coordinator Expand and implement the late night programming series to involve and engage the community in a safe and positive environment. Fayetteville, AR | http://fnl.uark.edu/

U of A Student Affairs

May 2013 - Aug 2013

Summer Conference Assistant Develop communication skills through desk operations and creating a safe environment for camps, conferences, and other mass gatherings. Fayetteville, AR | http://housing.uark.edu/Conferences/


Association for Computing Machinery

May 2014 - May 2015

Secretary - U of A Chapter Manage website, social media, and listserv of CSCE students delivering information about the latest technology, employer opportunities, and social events. Fayetteville, AR | http://cavern.uark.edu/~acm/

Diversity Impact

2012 - 2014

Mentor Host This is an annual program that hosts high school students to visit the University for three days and two nights and as a host, I had my students stay with me on campus and show them college life and answer any questions they may have. So far, every student I hosted has came to the University of Arkansas. Fayetteville, AR | http://rsvp.uark.edu/935.php

National Residence Hall Honorary

Aug 2013 - May 2014

Active Member As an active member of the University of Arkansas chapter, we are role models of service, bestowers of recognition, excellence of scholastics, and exercisers of leadership. The organization is consisted of nominated and elected students who are considered to be the top 1% of student leaders living in residence halls. Fayetteville, AR | https://sites.google.com/site/taenrhh/

Book Club


President / Founder Started the first book club registered student organization at the University of Arkansas. We held biweekly meetings talking about books! This was a great opportunity to start something that many students were interested. As more students became involved and more ideas emerged, the club passed onto another student to further develop into the community after my term was over. Fayetteville, AR | https://www.facebook.com/UABookClub

Math Club

Aug 2012 - May 2013

Public Relations Officer Relate about the elation of mathematics to students over social media, posters, and personal communication to University students covering special topics, social events, and the annual celebration of mind. Fayetteville, AR | http://www.uark.edu/rso/pme/Home.html


“There are only two hard things in computer science:
cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors.” --Phil Karlton


  • C#
  • HTML
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • MVVM Pattern
  • Agile Development
  • C++
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Java
  • Bootstrap Framework
  • Public Relations
  • Command Line
  • Web Development
  • Mobile Development
  • Computer Networking
  • MVC Pattern
  • Javascript
  • CSS
  • JSON
  • XML


  • English (Daily use)
  • Spanish (Mother tongue)


  • Windows (10+ years)
  • MS Office (10+ years)
  • Internet Explorer (10+ years)
  • Firefox (8 years)
  • Google Chrome (5 years)
  • Sublime Text (3 years)
  • Visual Studio (3 years)
  • Notepad++ (2 years)
  • Linux (2 years)
  • Filezilla (1 year)
  • Adobe Photoshop (3 years)
  • Mac (3 years)
  • Wireshark (2 years)
  • Windows Azure (1 year)


“Some people live more in 20 years than others do in 80.
It's not the time that matters, it's the person.”- The Doctor



Music is my biggest interest and hobby. That includes anything from listening to performing. I started my appreciation when I first learned the flute in 7th grade and developed music theory in my head using mathematical patterns. I've taught myself multiple instruments, including 3 different saxophones (alto, tenor, bari), guitar, piano, harmonica, drums, and beatboxing.



I ride my bike every day! It's my primary source of transportation and excercise. Fayetteville has some of the most prettiest trails and I always try to take my bike to new places. I do not ride professionally or for races, only for recreational fun!

Here is a picture of me with my newest roadbike.
2014 Redline Metro Classic

Video Games

Video Games

Video games are the best way to relax after long days. Although I am a fan of Playstation and Nintendo, I am much more of a steam geek now. Ever since I custom built my desktop computer, computer games have been much better and I love nothing more than my companion cube!



I connect with others every day, and very much considered an extrovert. Anything from potlucks to group outings, as long as I am around people I will have a great time with friends or someone new.



Life is chock-full of wibbly wobbly puzzles and patterns. Anything from video games to household solutions to figuring out personal cyber security issues, they are all puzzle challenges that have an answer somewhere. I also like just puzzles too.

Here's my first completed 1000-piece puzzle.
In Blue, 1925 by Kandinsky

I am currently working on this 1000-piece puzzle.
Color Study. Squares with Concentric Circles, 1913 by Kandinsky


“Everything that's difficult you should be able to laugh about it.”
- Louis C.K.